Why is Aut Cum Scuto, Aut In Scuto our motto?

Over the past few years, the increased stress on members of the law enforcement community, coupled with other factors such as critical staffing and perceived lack of community support, has caused their families to suggest, ask, and even demand that they leave the profession once and for all. While their concern and frustration is understandable, it is the mission of Beyond the Badge to provide law enforcement officers and their families with the tools and support they need to continue in their calling.

Around 400 B.C., the mothers of Spartan warriors would bid their children farewell with the phrase “Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto”, meaning “With the shield, or on the shield.” These mothers pushed fear out of their own minds and focused on supporting their children as they left for battle. Terrified as they may have been, the Spartan women knew their children were warriors. They also knew that being a warrior was a calling, not simply a choice.

It is the goal of Beyond the Badge to help change the fearful, unsupportive culture that has infected law enforcement families with a mindset more closely resembling that of the Spartans. By providing the necessary tools, skills, and training, we strive to help parents, spouses, and children of law enforcement officers to understand and conquer their fears, while simultaneously providing the love and support so critical to a well-rounded, successful officer.

All across the United States, law enforcement agencies are battling myriad issues including recruitment and retention, perceived lack of support, and officer fatigue. Furthermore, departments often find themselves competing with each other for the most suitable and qualified candidates in the dwindling population of those who are called to serve their communities. Beyond the Badge will help departments overcome these obstacles by filling the needs of the law enforcement family. We provide family support, training, and skills development to help officers and their families in these times of heightened stress. By building a strong family foundation, we believe that we will develop better, more successful officers and a stronger department as well.