Training Class Options

General Training Classes

Generations in the Workplace - 2 hours -This course will discuss the similarities and differences found in members of a multi-generational workplace. Attendees will understand how their interactions with employees of a different generation will benefit their development while simultaneously learning to avoid the pitfalls often attributed to their differences.

Personal Growth

Financially Bulletproof - This 6-week program examines how an officer can better position themselves financially. Through the blocks of instruction, officers and their families will learn how to better understand their expenses, develop an accurate budget, accumulate savings, and live within their means. This program can be provided over a six-week period or during a single full-day session based on the needs of your department.

Wellness Classes for Recruits - 1 hour each

Financial Wellness - A 1-hour condensed class of Financially Bulletproof touching on debt, income, savings, and preparing for the future.

Strong Bonds - The importance of developing and maintaining lasting personal relationships outside of your work circle.

Strong Morale - In this class Recruits will learn the importance of maintaining their own morale. In this career, few things are in your career, but your own morale is within your own control.

Common Pitfalls - In this class Recruits will learn the common pitfalls that new and seasoned officers can and do often fall into whether that is ego related or a trauma reaction. Knowing what the pitfalls are before they start can prepare them to avoid them.

Employee & Family Classes

IACP Valor Resilience - 

The Law Enforcement Agency and Officer Resilience Training Program is designed to equip officers with empirically validated skills of resilience. The program is offered as a three-day in-person training.

Personalities in the Workplace - Insights Personality training.

Critical Incident Preparation - 1 hour- Critical Incident Lessons Learned. Coordinate speakers who have experienced a critical incident and are willing to share their experiences and lessons learned.

Preparing for the Worst, Line of Duty Death preparation - Critical Incident Preparation Packets

Mentoring Program (suggested 6-8 month program)

Manage a department mentoring program. Provide the speed matching event to match mentors & mentees. Will need a small committee that knows many people to assist with personality matching, matching experience, and wants from the mentee and mentor. Will provide mentoring training, monthly email communication for the mentoring program, and surveys at the beginning, middle, and end of the program

Relationship Classes

Strong Relationships for Seasoned Officers - 3 hours - As officers walk further into their career the trauma builds up and the stress builds up. They are often unaware or shocked by their own reactions to stress and trauma. As more seasoned families many assume that they are walking this path alone and that this is the only way their relationship can be is by walking on eggshells. They learn that this is often normal as officers process the trauma in ways similar to grief and how they can know how to support them. Officers learn that how they react is often normal but not always healthy and how to be self-aware. Basic relationship and communication skills are taught to bridge the gap.

Center for Relationship Education relationship series - Culturally competent relationship material built for first responders and military couples. CRE provides amazing weekend retreats that are a resource to families, but we can also utilize the curriculum as well.

PREP, Inc. Relationship classes - Can build to fit needs - PREP is another great relationship curriculum utilized by the Army to instill strong and healthy relationships within their ranks.

Leadership Series Classes

Leaving an Impact - 3 hours - Leadership is more about the people and about how to leave a lasting impact on your officers and the community through impacting them.

Coaching for Improvement -Coaching is an important tool in supervising. Finding the right times and the right topics to provide coaching and feedback on. Following a consistent process of coaching adds accountability and consistency to the team.

Successful One-on-One - 2-3 hours - Being purposeful in having conversations with your employees and making your conversations with your employees purposeful, impactful, and positive is an important skill for retention and employee satisfaction.

Build your Management Foundation - 1 hour - Supervisors rarely think about what kind of a leader they want to be. This class will break down what values the leaders want to build their foundation on, discuss what kind of skills and habits they want to make sure they do, and what kinds of skills they want to make sure they do not use.