
Would you like to build your own family support program but need help getting started?

Would you like to start a family programming but staffing and bandwidth do not allow it and you would like someone to run it for you?

Whatever your goals are, we are happy to help!

Building a family and Officer support program will be different for every agency as every agency has its own culture, struggles, challenges, and needs. Your agency and Beyond the Badge can work together to build a program that fits your department's needs.

Support from Beyond the Badge can range from consultation on how to build your own family support program, assisting your Peer Support or Wellness unit in running the family support group, or running the family support program, classes, and events for your department.

Contracted hourly rate for Beyond the Badge to consult, form, and manage family support is available.  The rate does not include the cost of any events.  Event cost must be supplemented by the department or provided by a donation through the Beyond the Badge 501c3.

Initial consultations and discussions are complimentary. 

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a presentation from Beyond the Badge.